Σε ένα ακόμη επεισόδιο χωρίς NBA, γίνεται προσπάθεια κατανοήσης των Don’t Get Caught και Gamer Girl, συζήτηση για τη… συζήτηση περί ανατίμησης κυκλοφοριών νέας γενιάς. Και μετά Xbox Games Showcase.
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Manos Vezos – The Vez | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Ι Apple Music
Nintendo Switch fans react in alarm at eShop masturbation game
Nintendo eShop (Software Chatter)
“Inappropriate” Stealth Game Don’t Get Caught Won’t Be Coming To Switch After All
Wales Interactive quietly pulls announcement for FMV game about female streamer abuse
Gamer Girl – Official Teaser Trailer (2020)
NBA 2K21 price is $10 more expensive on Xbox Series X and PS5
IDG: Other publishers are considering raising game prices for PS5 and Xbox Series X
After 15 Years, Retail Video Game Prices May Be Rising
Jason Schreier On Twitter
Microsoft removes 12-month Xbox Live Gold subscription from store
15 New Independent Games Coming First to Console on Xbox Through ID@Xbox
Introducing the Largest, Most Creatively Diverse Games Lineup in Console History, Led by Halo Infinite